Custom Milling
In addition to our core products of kiln spacer sticks, kiln blocks, lath and dunnage, DSL Mills has the capacity to custom manufacture specialty orders of almost any size, grade and dimension.
Some of the specialty items we have provided to local and international customers include:
• Log cabin siding
• T & G Decking5/4
• Decking
• Dimension lumber in 2" widths
• Survey stakes
• Tongue & Groove products
We are committed to a quality product and fast turnaround time. If you have a project which requires specialty milling or planing, talk to DSL Mills to see how we can accommodate your needs.
Custom Planing & Processing
DSL Mills Planing Division includes the planing and cutting of rough lumber into a variety of finished products including 1" and 2" lumber to 16 feet in length for all grades including #1, #2, Utility and Economy.
DSL Mills is committed to the maximum fibre utilization concept. In the Planing Division all shavings and waste wood are collected and processed into economically viable wood products such as wood pellets for shipment overseas. Trimmed lumber is pulled for finger-joint stock and all waste lumber is turned into wood chips for the local pulp mills.
We process pine, spruce and fir 1” and 2” lumber for local lumber mills creating products which are shipped to Canadian and US Markets.
Our processed lumber is primarily divided into 3 categories: surfaced products for local and international sales and exports, custom surfacing/planing for other producers in the region and our specialty machined products: kiln sticks, lath and dunnage. Our competitive edge is the ability to produce large volumes of product on short notice.